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Stationary IT equipment
System hardware and software architecture
WMS architecture includes the following:
- Database server (SQL)
- Application server (optional, if required by the client, its role may be filled by a database server)
The hardware making up the physical architecture depends mainly on:
- Maximum daily flows
- Number of simultaneously active users
- Number of SKUs and stock locations
- Volume of archived data collected
- How the required server availability is ensured (e.g. physical back-up servers, virtualization, etc.).
System platform required for servers:
- Operating System: Windows 2016 – 2019 Server Standard x64 or higher including all updates, 64-bit version (business edition is required for cluster development)
- Access licences for the operating system: MS Windows 2016 – 2019 STD CAL
- Database system: MS SQL 2014 – 2019 Server Standard Edition x64 or MS SQL-Server StdCore 2014 – 2019 OLP CoreLic OPEN
- Access licences for the database system: SQL CAL in the case of MS SQL-Server 2014 – 2019 STD. If you have MS SQL-Server StdCore 2014 – 2019 OLP CoreLic, SQL CAL access licences are not required.
Hardware requirements for servers:
- Hardware requirements will be determined based on the functional specifications and data on maximum daily flows, the number of simultaneous users of the system and the number of indexes and storage locations.
PC workstations
Stationary PC workstations are required for selected functional modules of the logifact® WMS.
Such modules include system configuration/administration modules, management masks and operational modules that require full-screen operation, e.g. KNF (packaging module), reporting modules.
The required number of stationary PC stations is determined during detailed business discussions or when preparing the functional specification for logifact® WMS.

Label printers and office printers
logifact® WMS has the ability to print standard labels and documents such as:
- storage unit labels (unit number in barcode and plain text formats)
- material movement documents with discrepancy reports
- delivery note / waybill
- checklist
In addition, Logifact-Systems can implement dedicated labels and/or documents with documentation (according to a template provided by the client). In order to print these labels and/or documents, the purchase of suitable printers is required.
The target number and type of printers required is determined during detailed business discussions or at the stage of preparing the functional specification for logifact® WMS.
In many cases, the type and amount of equipment required is determined by Logifact-Systems’ experts in the early stage of project implementation.
Such dimensioning is a service provided as part of logistical projects (functional and spatial warehouse concepts), in which our company also specializes.