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logifact® TMS
Optimizing your transport needs
The Transportation Management System (TMS), known as logifact® TMS, has been created to meet the needs of manufacturing, commercial and service companies that plan and organize their transportation of goods.
TMS (Transportation Management Systems) – what are they?
TMS, or Transportation Management System, solves key logistical problems in the company related to inefficient route and transportation management, insufficient resource planning, and limited monitoring of delivery routes.
The implementation of a TMS in a company helps optimize costs through precise transportation route planning, efficient utilization of available resources, and minimizing operational expenses. Through route optimization, cargo consolidation, and carrier management, the company reduces costs. Transportation management software enhances the efficiency of transport planning by identifying cost-effective routes for shipments. Fuel costs, travel time, or time windows – all these factors influence the selection of the most appropriate routes.
TMS – benefits of implementation
- Quick and optimally determined routes for shipments
- Increased transport efficiency
- Precise, predetermined transportation costs
- Reduction of transportation costs
Key functionalities of the logifact® TMS
Our proprietary TMS (Transport Management System) is equipped with a range of functionalities that set it apart from other providers:
- Entering and editing orders, manually or through an interface from an external system – usually an ERP or WMS
- Order handling – detailed overview of tasks gives full transparency of planned workload with the ability to filter, assign and pre-plan the shipment schedule
- Automatic conversion of orders into transport tasks with the option of splitting the order into smaller parts
- Manual entry of tasks is applied in cases where transport tasks do not directly result from customer orders. These tasks may include transporting empty pallets, delivering additional marketing materials, documents, etc.
- Transport planning includes:
- allocation of tasks to the distribution structure (automatic or manual)
- planning of transport resources (based on the number and size of tasks)
- planning and transport costs estimation
- Execution and monitoring transport – insights into how tasks progress thanks to interfaces with external systems, exchange of data on planned transports, as well as on the progress of transports after they leave the warehouse
- Cost accounting involving the collection of data on the actual costs of transport. This feature can be combined with a breakdown of costs by task, cost type, etc.

logifact® TMS modules
Transport orders
In the order management module, the user has the ability to monitor and process all orders that have been received by the TMS from parent systems. Here, the user can specify the starting point of the route or divide the submitted order into smaller/partial ones if the given order is too large for processing. With a clear presentation of all information, the user can group and select orders for further processing.
Transport planning
The trip planning module allows the user to specify which orders are to be combined into trips. Here, the user has the choice between manually combining selected orders into trips or sending a batch of orders to the route optimizer, defining criteria for the solver. The solver provided by Emapa generates optimized routes.
Transport management
Cost monitoring
The cost module is used to compare planned transportation costs to the actual expenses incurred. Here, internal trip numbers are linked with invoices received from service providers.